Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Secret UK Memo on Iraq

A memo from July 23, 2002 detailing the US plans to invade Iraq has been published on several UK sites. Some highlights:

"The Defence Secretary said that the US had already begun "spikes of activity" to put pressure on the regime. No decisions had been taken, but he thought the most likely timing in US minds for military action to begin was January, with the timeline beginning 30 days before the US Congressional elections."

Hmmm, could the war in Iraq have been politically motivated, designed to stir up wartime patriotic passions right before the election in hope of winning a few more congressional seats?

The main point that jumps out, is that there was a very weak case for war against Iraq and that the Bush administration was left with a plan of trying to provoke Saddam in order to mobilize against Iraq.

Nothing really new here, just nice getting that reinforcement in knowing that I was right all along.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I was right about Bush's manipulation of the American people to force us into this war. About his strong arm tactics with the UN in an attempt get them to support the US.

In answer to your points:

- I didn't give a shit about Kerry or Dean. My feeling at the time of the election was that we'd do more harm than good pulling troops out of Iraq. While I didn't support the need to initiate a war with Iraq, or the viability of it. Since we did end up going to war, I feel that we need to follow through with it. Otherwise, what's to stop a worse dictator than Hussein coming in and taking his place.

- Yes, I was right about the weak case for war. Congress aproved it overwhelming because of Bush's manipulation of the American people. Using patriotism and fear to drive most americans into a jingoistic fervor. Any congressman with hopes of relection had to fall in line.

- If the reasons you state were not enough for Germany, France and Russia not to mention the rest of the UN to back an invasion, they why should it be enough for us? Were they bribing the rest of the world except for the US? Is that why we were bitter, no handout?

- I still can't believe that Bush would sacrifice Colin Powell on the world stage like he did. He was the only person in his adminstration with the ability to bridge Dem and Rep supporters. Possibly one of the most egregious examples of throwing someone under the bus.

- There are many horrible dictators that could stand to be removed by force. Why not start with President KIM Il Sung who is openly declaring possession of nuclear weapons? Or Saudi Arabia, another oppressive regime that funds more terrorists than any other country? There are so many others we can go to war with: Burma, Haiti, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Chechnya, Laos, Belarus, Tibet. Which ones are next?