While walking to buy tickets see Wilderness and Pinback at a nearby record store, realized that there are some really big freakin' birds here. I think one mistook my head as a furry rabbit and swooped in pretty damn close. Downtown Vancouver is surrounded on 3 sides by water so I guess I can expect to see some pretty big sea birds flying around.
Found out about the Sasquatch! Music Festival, which is happening over Memorial Day weekend. Line up includes: Nine Inch Nails, Bauhaus, Trail of Dead, Shins, Neko Case, Flaming Lips, Beck, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and the Arctic Monkeys, and those are just the bands that I gotta see. Probably won't be able to make it, because of prior commitments that weekend.
Decided to check out Robson Street which is about a two mile stretch full of all kinds of shops. After walking up and down Robson, I find it to be just like an outdoor mall complete with Gap, Express and Payless Shoe store with added bonus of bars.
While walking down the street, I saw two skinny white kids; who watched too much "Yo MTV Raps", or whatever the equivalent is maybe it's all MTV programming now, screwing around with this scrawny semi-toothless homeless looking guy who had a bike (the bike makes me think maybe not homeless, but everything else about it was pure hobo). The hobo calls out skinny M&M# 1 and says, "Come on man just you and me", this was repeated about 5 or 6 times. The two decide something along the lines of "uh oh this guy's serious", back down a bit, then chuck a drink at hobo's bike and start rapidly walking off. Apparently, they forgot that our hero has a bicycle, as they are walking away, he rides by and pops skinny M&M #1 really good along the side of the face, not an easy thing to do with a sidewalk full of people. As our hero is riding off into the sunset, the two give chase. As they are racing after him though, their baggy pants drop off their asses almost to their knees. By this time, because the pant malfunction, our hero has exacted his vengeance and has gotten away. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
Here's another Vancouver picture. Anne says this is a tulip tree.

Oh, and here's a picture of Josh in a baby seat.

If I'm wearing baggy pants, it's only because I can't get any decent mexican food or ribs from Artz and have lost 20 pounds. When are you coming up?
Great hobo story... wish I'd been there to see that. Maybe I should go outside more... nah too hot.
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