Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blog for South By Southwest

With two weeks to go, I set up a blog solely for SXSW 2008. Ideally it'll be a collaborative site with entries from several people.

I set it up because I wanted a way to have lists of youtube videos where friends could rate videos and leave comments. In preparing for SXSW, I'm finding that videos of live performances give me the best sense for how a band will perform. I looked at using shared youtube playlists but friends video ratings get lost in the thousands of other people rating the same videos. There is a similar issue with youtube comments.

I also wanted a place to consolidate all the great information culled from the many other SXSW blogs. Check it out.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tapes n Tapes Video

Hey Josh, here's that Tapes n Tapes video from blogotheque I was talking about.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

SXSW 2008

South by Southwest has released the initial list of bands playing this year. There are over 1500 so far. To help keep up with all the day parties, bands and news I've been following the following sites:
At some point soon, I hope to have a good size list of bands to see.

Can Vegans Eat Human Cheese?